I loved God my whole life. I was raised by good Christian grandparents, and we went to church every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. But sometimes, even if you love the Lord, you can go the wrong way for a while, and God will allow things to happen to draw you back. That was me.
I had a good life. I raised five kids, had a good job, and I shared a nice apartment with my daughter and five grandchildren. But when my oldest son died about six years ago, I didn’t have any kind of support system to help me deal with it in a healthy way.
Then, about three years ago, I turned to drug use. I knew better, I knew I was disappointing God, but I ended up turning drugs into my god. I couldn’t do anything without using. I felt so weak and ashamed, until I finally cried out to God to deliver me.
“I finally cried out to God to deliver me.”
Well, He answered my prayers. Last year, I was evicted from my apartment, along with my daughter and grandkids – the kids were a bit too rambunctious for the landlord. I called everywhere, but no one could take us in. Finally, the Bay Area Rescue Mission said yes.
I admit, it was hard for me. My biggest struggle before coming here was not just using drugs – it was pride. I never wanted to accept anyone’s help with anything.
We walked through these doors in June 2022, and God blessed us beyond anything I could have hoped. They opened their arms to us, rained encouragement on us and prayed with us. They helped me overcome my addiction, find my joy in God again, regain my focus and even give back by helping the other women and kids here.
I thank God and all the donors of the Bay Area Rescue Mission. They opened their arms to me and believed in me – and that means a lot.
To read this issue of Bay Area Hope, click here.

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