Patrick made his way to the burned-out remains of his childhood home, destroyed by a fire that had claimed his mother’s life just three days before. “As I approached the house, fear came over me about going in, so I went up a hill, sat behind a church and began to cry like I’ve never cried before.”
He wept for the loss of his mother’s unconditional love and her prayers that he would turn from the dark road he was on. “I started using drugs at an early age, progressed to harder drugs, became homeless and was incarcerated,” Patrick says. “But regardless of all the bad things I’d done, she was always there for me.”
That day, as he sat behind that church, grieving her passing, he made a commitment to change his life, not just for himself, but to honor her memory. “The next morning, I found my way to the Bay Area Rescue Mission.”
Patrick joined our Life Transformation Program, where he gave his life to God. “I started going to classes and hearing scriptures that my mom used to say to me, and Jesus started working in my heart,” he says.
“When I accepted Jesus as my Savior, everything changed.”
Patrick felt called to help others find new life in the Lord, so after graduating from the program, he earned a college degree, became a Certified Addiction Specialist, was ordained as a minister and joined our staff. Today, he serves as our Assistant Program Director, honoring his mother every day with his love for the Lord and his giving heart. “I try to live my life to please God, showing His compassion, grace and mercy to others.”
Patrick now has the faith and strength to help other neighbors in need because of your heart of compassion for him. Because you chose to share God’s love, he has a path forward and can help others find their way. “I was lost and without hope. Then I came through these doors and found God.”
To read this issue of Bay Area Hope, click here.

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