Martina grew up with a lot of relatives in one house where she experienced abuse and trauma as a child. “I started to think I was the problem in the family,” she says.
She ran away from home at age 11 and soon was introduced to drugs. She had her first kid at 15 years old, and got caught up with the wrong people. “I was doing anything to survive and did things I’m not proud of,” she admits.
The father of her kids walked out on them, and for months, they slept in the back of Martina’s truck. “I remember praying to God to help me and my children,” she recalls. Soon after, Child and Family Services took her kids. “I felt a sense of relief but was sad because I also promised I wasn’t going to lose them.”
As long as Martina was living in her truck, she knew she wouldn’t be able to get her kids back. Determined to change her life and restore her family, she came to the Rescue Mission for help.
“I felt grateful that I had a bed, warm blankets, and no longer had to throw a tarp over the windows to stay warm,” Martina reflects on her arrival. “I promised my kids that I was going to be a better mom. I just remember that feeling of hope.”
“Without the Rescue Mission, I don’t think I would’ve felt this good inside and had this peace and relationship with God.”
Since joining the Life Transformation Program, Martina has learned to create healthy boundaries, have self-respect, and break the cycles that held her down. “The Rescue Mission is helping me so that when I go out into the world, I can overcome life’s challenges with the confidence and self-esteem God intended for me.”
This Easter, Martina is experiencing the gift of new life! She has been transformed and empowered to begin her next chapter – thanks to your support! “I’m thankful to the Rescue Mission for giving me a safe place to grow and bring my kids to so I can repair the bond I have with them.”
To read this issue of Bay Area Hope, click here.

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