Providing the means and opportunity to promote lasting and meaningful change for our clients and community is at the heart of the programs and services at the Bay Area Rescue Mission (BARM). It is an essential part of our culture. We are steadfast in our conviction that when working together nothing is insurmountable. And when people have the right tools, education, and support they can move beyond their current circumstances, which is why our innovative Social Enterprise Program is so vital.
Chris Dikes, Culinary Arts Manager stated, “Our Social Enterprise Program is recovery-oriented and promotes hope and optimism to people who are experiencing homelessness or have been excluded from the traditional job market for various reasons. Being part of the business cultivates self-determination, life skills training, and practical skills that will serve clients well after they graduate from BARM”.
The Social Enterprise Program builds on our strengths, existing capabilities and activities of providing healthy, appetizing meals and job training. The food is prepared by BARM clients that are majoring in Culinary Arts at Contra Costa College, under the supervision of accredited professional chefs that have years of teaching and business experience in the private sector. Participants are involved in every aspect of the business: marketing, inventory, production, quality control, and input in developing the business plan. Furthermore, some now have jobs at establishments that buy our products, earning wages, opening bank accounts, establishing credit and preparing to transition from the homeless shelter.
Nathan Trivers, owner of the Up and Under Pub and Grill in Point Richmond, said, “BARM’s Social Enterprise Program has allowed us to expand our menu to include various quality dessert items. We hire people from BARM because they are well trained, with a great attitude and eager to make the most of the opportunity. It is a mutually beneficial relationship that we want to continue to grow.”
With your help, we will remain committed to providing resources and expertise to assist our clients in improving their quality of life. To learn more about the Social Enterprise Program and other life-changing programs at BARM contact Stephanie Sewell Vice President of Development (510) 215 4889 or email StephanieS@BayAreaRescue.org.
Daryl Burns
Grants and Foundation Liaison
Bay Area Rescue Mission
2018 June Second Quarter Update for Foundations